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A few tips to help you Before you medical exam.

Just a few tips to make it a little less stressful. 

A driver with diabetes MUST have a copy of the latest A1C percentage (within the last 90 days).                                                                                                                    

A driver with high blood pressure must bring a list of medications and doctors information.

A driver with any heart or lung issues must bring a list of medications,  doctors information and a medical release to  operate a CMV (commercial vehicle). The letter must say driver is cleared to drive a commercial vehicle!

A driver with a BMI > 33-35%  with a neck > 17" (male) or with a neck >16" (female) MAY require further testing to rule out sleep apnea.

A driver currently using a CPAP for sleep apnea, must bring in percent compliance printout from machine or company.

AFTER RENEWAL: The driver is responsible for providing his or her licensing state with updated information of each new medical exam certificate, the little card not the long form!

Doctor will provide the same information to NRCME federal data base.

  Mail certificate to: CO Dept. of Revenue, Attn. CDL Unit,  1881 Pierce St., Lakewood, Co. 80214 

Call in a couple of days to confirm that they received it : 303-205-5829

We are very proud of our truckers and appreciate all of your hard work!

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